Lightning in a Jar: Killing Me Softly

Lightning in a Jar: Killing Me Softly

There are songs I associate with moments in my life. Like Autumn Leaves, She Loves You, and I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For. And then there’s the song that reminds me of James. Killing Me Softly With His Song. When I hear it, my heart becomes immersed in a firestorm of melancholy. A bittersweet fragrance of love and longing and what could have been, ricocheting between my heart and my soul. Continue reading

Lightning in a Jar: All Good Things

Lightning in a Jar: All Good Things

  Life. A carousel in motion, whizzing by and turning everything into a dizzying blur. As it spins, every once in a while I catch a glimpse of my life. A girl with no goals, no ambition, and definitely no … Continue reading

Love That Bob!

Love That Bob!

Earlier this summer I told you I was dating–for the first time in eons. Well, here’s what you didn’t know. I’ve been dating someone famous! (Actually, this isn’t true, not in the least!)

Or maybe I should say, someone infamous. Really infamous. Cross my heart, hope to die infamous. (Now, this is true.)

Maybe he’s a bit of a lothario. You could say he looks like Don Rickles and and even tosses insults like the comic himself. And without a doubt, he’s in a bit of hot water with all kinds of people. Make that boiling water. Even had to check himself into rehab, but he was such a good patient, he ended up doing a two-week addiction program in less than one. Faster than you can say, “Bob’s your uncle!” Continue reading

Lightning in a Jar: The Hitchhiker, Part 2

Lightning in a Jar: The Hitchhiker, Part 2

Seeing the cop walk toward me immediately sets me in panic mode. He has one hand partially concealed as if he is about to reach for his gun. I turn around in search of Daniel, wondering if he’s disposed of the two joints that are in his pockets. But Daniel’s not looking at me. He’s staring straight ahead, completely mesmerized by what is transpiring. Continue reading

Lightning in a Jar: The Hitchhiker

Lightning in a Jar: The Hitchhiker

Crashing my bike at the Sunoco gas station was the closest I’d ever come to hitchhiking. It was on one of those last days of summer, when cooler temps begin to creep in, getting a head start on fall. I was 15 and had set out on my bike with no destination in mind, just the desire to go far. Pedal to the wind, I was focused on the road ahead.

Faster, faster, I kept pushing myself. I was about to cut across the Sunoco, when smack! I hit the curb at its highest point. My bike skidded across the ground, coming to an abrupt halt by the gas pump, while I went barreling in a different direction, slamming my face into the pavement. I chipped a tooth and dented my nose, and my knees and legs were scraped into a bloody pulp. I was shaken, yet trying hard to remain stalwart despite the burning feeling all over my legs. And it didn’t help one iota knowing that I was a long ways from home. Continue reading